Friday, March 02, 2007

Playhouses & Castles

I spent some time with Dalynn, Laurie and Jarried this afternoon. The children, all younger than 3rd grade, who just lost their young mother last week to pneumonia and the enemy. Their house was full of loving relatives. And they were playing in the backyard.

After talking to Dalynn a bit, she said, "Did you know my Mommy is with Jesus?" I assured her that she was absolutely right and that that is why I was there. "How did you know where to find us, she asked? Do you wanna see our playhouse?" We played and played and played.

I told her that I had seen her Mommy's body at the funeral home, the body that she left behind so that she could be in God's big big house. Dalynn, Laurie and I sang the Big Big House song, motions and all. I explained that she could see her Mommy again someday because of Jesus.

After petting every dog, horse and cat that we could catch, Jarried took me to a most special place called the castle. The castle is a big pile of dirt that was dug from a pit for trash. I trudged the side of the hill and Jarried said, "Hey, here's the laddu." Oh, I'm sorry; “I'll use it next time around.” Then the highlight was sliding down the hill on some plastic thingiemabob.

It was hard to say goodbye...wait, no it wasn't because I'll see them again soon. I cannot imagine how much harder it will be for them to say goodbye tonight when they see her body for the first time or tomorrow when they put her in the ground. But, this I do we played in a 'play' house and a 'play' castle, but she, Dana Beck, is playing in God's Big Big House where he had a room prepared just for her. It's not goodbye, just see ya later.


Jackie said...


Let us know what we can do to help these sweet kids!

I asked H this afternoon..."How does a 34 year woman die with pneumonia in this day of medical advancements?"

The only thing he could come up with is that maybe she never went to a doctor.

Oh...these precious little ones!

Tammie said...

No, it's hard to understand. She waited to late to go to the doctor and was treating it at home. And the family believes her death was caused by a mucus plug.

Anonymous said...

How can we help these children? Please let us know what they need and how we can help. God Bless these children! God Bless You for taking the time to visit with them and comfort them!

Anonymous said...

There is a memorial set up at the First National Bank. There are also several Faithweaver teachers and school teachers gathering a collection to provide childcare for the remainder of this semester. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.