Saturday, November 15, 2008

Let's Dance

Week 5, Day 5 of Stepping Up by Beth Moore

Exodus 25:21-22 Why was the ark so significant? His presence dwelt there.

“When God struck Uzzah dead, David was stunned because suddenly God didn’t ‘behave’ like David thought He should. God did something that seemed out of character. Even terrifying.” Beth Moore in Stepping Up

Like David, I’ve made grievous mistakes while handling and transporting earth’s most sacred vessel. What is earth’s most sacred vessel? At first, I thought it was the Children’s Ministry that He entrusted to me. Then I reread Exodus 25:21-22. The ark was so significant because that is the place where His presence dwelt. Then it hit me…the place where His presence dwells today is in me! I am a sacred vessel! And I’ve not transported Him properly. I’ve wrestled for awhile now because I’ve “known intimacy with Him in the past and I’m almost miserable at this ‘safe’ distance.”

David pinpointed the obstacle and removed it with repentance, searching the Word and obedience to the Word. Then after the ark was transported properly…David danced!


Alisha said...

Hey Tammie I'm lovin your is my favorite color by the way! Thanks for the comments. This blogging thing is a whole lot funner (is that a word?!) than I thought it would be! Have a good week and I look forward to your next post.

Tammie said..., I've enjoyed your blog, too! What a shock to see your sweet little face on my followers.

This is a neat way to get to know each other better! See you this afternoon.