Friday, October 03, 2008

Come out, Come out...

...wherever you are and meet the young lady who fell from a star.

I know that without Christ I'd be in a heap of mess! This morning in my study, Beth asked me "What might have happened with your life 'if the LORD had not been on your side'?" Answering this question was rather simple. I know what job, with who, where, etc. The possible scenario's are endless. I'm at peace, thankful and happy with my present and future 'W's'!

BUT, another question that she didn't ask is haunting me!!! "What might have happened with my life 'if I had stayed on HIS side'?" This is one that I could lose sleep over, y'll!


Jackie said...

Question #1: I'm just thankful that He *was* on my side!

Question #2: Now, Tammie! Why did you have to ask this one???

Tammie said...

I'm not trying to be self defaming, here! It's just that King David collected materials for the temple, but b/c of the bloodshed wasn't able to build it. Solomon had that honor. And yet, David was a man after God's own heart. I humbly know that I am a woman after God's own heart, but I also know that there (surely) has been rewards missed due to disobedience.

I'm coming to the conclusion that there is no answer to question #2. What do you think, inspired?

Jackie said...

Psalm 139:15-16(NIV)

"My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

He knew. He knew from my beginning the bad choices I would make; and yet, He hung in there with me.

What do I think about Question 2? Like you, I think there must be no answer. This theology could get quite 'deep'...and, I'm no theologian!!

Anonymous said...

Tammie, Isn't that Beth Moore study just awesome....I missed yesterdays, due to _____'s circumstances, I "really" missed it and am ready for next Sunday to go forward with it........and we have such a great teacher along with Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I am!!!


Tammie said...

Man, am I ever!!! Those studies are ALWAYS life changing for me. I really don’t wanna miss what God is trying to tell me.

Carlene, HE’S my sanity! And I know He is yours, too. I don’t know exactly what you are going thru, but I do know what it is like to get caught up/down/all-around in someone else’s storm. It is heart wrenching!

I told someone dear to me just last week, NOT to jump into the pit with her loved one. I advised them to stay out and have a semi-distant relationship with them from the edge of their pit. I even gave her some ideas of what that should look like in her circumstances. This person lives with her pit-dweller and getting away from them is NOT an option. ‘Cause let’s face it…at some point we have all been in pits of our own and at times we’ve all jumped right in with someone we love when they are in one.

Much Love From a Former Pit-dweller and always a toe-hold away from another, Tam

Tammie said...

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

'All' the days, not some or a few...ALL!

God...thanx! in_spired...thanx! I think I somewhat get it. Even the detours, mistakes were filtered thru HIS soveriegn grace.

kacy said...

I think of the prostitute that poured the expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus and washed them with her hair... Jesus said "Those who have been forgiven much, LOVE much"

Sure life would have been different if I had always been a good girl...
However, I am glad he let me wallow with the pigs some. Once you have been really dirty, feeling clean to me is much more pronounced...

I understand what you mean... I hear ya sista'

Tammie said...

Oh Kacy...He knows us doesn't He? He knit, arranged and molded everything about us. As a matter of fact, He knows me better than I even know myself. He just KNOWS!

Anonymous said...

Tam...I just finished reading John Piper's book "Spectacular Sins"...It blew me away. He said,
"God used Joseph's brothers sin against him to fulfill Joseph's dream "(that they would bow down to him)

Does that blow your mind??? God not only works all things together for our good but He has a purpose even for our sin...
Don't know if this makes sense to you but it helps me deal with my mistakes (sins) knowing God can and will use it for His Purposes.

Tammie said...

Yes, makes much sense. As a matter of fact, if for no other reason than to bring Him glory...then, then some how some way the sins were worth it.

"Minister where you've been ministered unto". I have a lot of material for life's lesson plans.

I don't know why He teaches in a practicum setting rather than in a classroom setting, but I trust HIM.