Wednesday, April 04, 2007

“I’m so glad you were born!”

I have a new favorite thing to write in birthday cards. My niece, Emily, sent me a card this year for my birthday and she wrote, “I’m so glad you were born!” Those words made me feel so good that I’ve officially adopted them as my new favorite thing to write in everyone else’s birthday cards.

Today, way over a month past my birthday, I am still pondering that phrase. Why did it strike such a deep chord within me? Then I thought of my nephews. They and I have something in common…we weren't planned. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why those words struck a chord in me? Hmmm…someone is glad I was born. I know in my adult mind that a lot more than some ‘ones’ are glad. I came from God and through my Mom. I also know that my Father knit me together in my mother’s womb. My Master made me and I am a masterpiece. I haven’t always believed that…do my nephews? I’ll just have to be the one to tell them over and over in every birthday card I write!


Jackie said...

If you're a Masterpiece, then so am I!! and, yes, it's difficult for me to comprehend. Maybe if God chooses to keep me here a few more years, I'll develop more understanding. Right now, all I can say is "Praise you, God!!"

Tammie said...

You are a masterful masterpiece, Miss I'm_inspired!!!