Sunday, March 25, 2007

Childlike Eyes

Out of the blue my nephew said, "MiMi, I know why God made us." I said, "Oh, you do?" "Yea," he stated, "so that when we die we can keep Him company."

Ya know, that was the plan! His choice was to create us for relationship with HIM. And He wants us to choose a relationship with Him, too. I think that that is why he put that darn tree in the garden in the first place. Otherwise, we'd be forced into the relationship. He wants us to want Him as much as He wants us. It's best seen through the eyes of a six year old child...we were made for His pleasure.


Jackie said...


Anonymous said...

hey tam,
that was so cute what kaden said. i am also so glad he gets to spend so much time with you.

Tammie said...

Kaden's vocabulary has heightened to new levels since Kindergarten. He says words like...fortunately, difficult, simply. Mom and I just get a boot out of it.