Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I caught some flack...

Hmmm...this is the first time in childrens' ministry history that I am able to go to summer camp. I've always given my iceman husband my summers. I've always had a desire to take the kids to camp, but it never happened. Once again, I had the desire to go and once again Kent wasn't in agreement with my desire. Which is soooo totally okay with me because if Kent ain't for it then God ain't for it. Disappointment was my lot. 'Kent, why did God let me get the desire if it's gonna turn out this way. I try to seek and hear HIM...He could've told me himself.' Well, the next day...

Kent rolls into the house and says, "You can go to camp!" Huh, do-what? Could you repeat that statement? He did and I can. I have my sweet honeys' blessing and the Fathers' favor! WooWhoo! Until...

I, for good reasons, chose a non-denom church camp. First of all, what would it look like in your hometown if the First Baptist, Calvary Baptist, First United Methodist, Church of Christ and Harvest Christian Fellowship did midweek kids' stuff, VBS and camp together? I know! Therefore, could you really SEE me taking this assortment to a BAPTIST encampment? I don't have ANYTHING against my denom, but for the love. I'm now stepping down from my soapbox...

In fact, the dates are in August which work WELL with the ice business. This morning God shined HIS glorious favor down on this trip...check out how at

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