Wednesday, July 01, 2015

So, You're Gay? I wish we could talk, cuz I really do care...

It’s been exhausting, hasn’t it?  Living two lives…being one person within this setting and another in that.  How did it end up like this?  How could something feel so right and be wrong?  You know and love God, what happened?  How could that oxymoron be?  You may have even scoured scripture searching for a loophole.

At first, it was easy.  No one suspected anything.  Maybe you didn’t realize that when that “one person” called you at work that your tone of voice, length and breadth of the conversation was ‘different’, even with code names and words. 

You bravely confided in that one strong, Christian friend who would never condemn.  That person went with you to gain counsel from leadership.  The obvious was lovingly stated, “It’s sin”.  The solution, stop it.  Stop it?  Yes, and avoid it.  Avoid it?  You sorta were and it still snuck in the back door.  You NEVER dreamed you’d fall into this pit.  It was and never has been on your radar screen.  Stop it, avoid it.  Do you want to?  No.  Can you, even?  Strangely,………no.     

Which leads to co-workers who love you just asking a simple question and your defensiveness was likely a dead giveaway.  With the monopoly of your time and exclusivity, your other roommates wonder and ask. “Is there something going on between the two of you?”  Oh man, “No!”  Now you’ve gone and lied, again, again and again. 

You love your family and friends and you would never deliberately hurt them.  Which hurt is worse, the lie or the truth?  Yes, the truth would obliterate.  Therefore, you isolated from them and created another world where life like that could exist without lies.

Inwardly, you jumped up and down at the decision of the Court on June 26th 2015.  You admire those who outwardly celebrate, but you can’t.  You have permitted both worlds to coexist.  Social media made perfect sense at the time, keep in touch with all my loved ones at a safe distance, with much discretion. 

Uh oh, the court’s decision has just REALLY complicated things.  Participating would mean both worlds have to collide.  Wow, I don’t know…!?  We NOW have a huge personal decision, are we going to commit to each other through marriage?  Marriage?  Marriage!  Wait, sex outside of marriage is wrong.  What?  Wait!  Hold on.

“Oh, God!  Oh, myyyy God!  What am I going to do?”  Whoa, did I just pray or was that just a random expression of emotion? 
“Ummmm, Lord?  Down deep, I know you love me and there was, is, never will be anything that makes you love me more or less.  I want to want out.  The only thing I’m sure about right now…the one thing I know that I know that I know, You are Love.”