Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I've heard of a hearty laugh, but...

A hearty wife??? I know what a hearty helping of food is?!!? Reminds me of the words healthy or husky. Got on the scales yesterday and I'm all of the above. Lord, help! In Proverbs 12 of the Message Bible, it says "A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid woman is cancer to the bones." Yep, hearty describes me to a tee! And I can be invigorating on the verge of annoying. I better select another translation...lol. Or go workout!


Alisha said...

haha well I pray that you have MORE determination than me! Maybe you can help me...I'm the one who baught a treadmill and ipod in jan. and have only put 5miles on it...not to mention all the yoga, pilates, and strenght training equipment that is organized very neatly beneath the guest bedroom bed!!!

Tammie said...

whew...i'm glad i can laugh about it. and hey don't knock 5 miles, that's better than -5.