Friday, October 12, 2007

My philosophy~

Spring/Fall cleaning is equivalent to "I don't think I can pay another high utility bill, it's God's turn to cool/heat this house". Then as we pry open the painted shut, creaky, crusty blinds and windows we hollar, "Oh my goodness, look at the mess!" Then we proceed to declare war on the fly infiltrated cob webs that are floppin' in the wind.

This fall I got wise, accidentally, I might add. I allowed the spiders to have their 'day' and decorate my house with webs for Halloween. This gave opportunity to be the ultimate fly catcher when cooler temps brought the influx of insects. At just the right moment I did what any good red-necked Texan does, hired an exterminator. Texan version of course, an exterminator equals 'bug bombs' from the thriftstore. And my home was fiendishly festive due to all the dead spiders who were responsible for the death of all the flies and crickets that dotted the windows and crevices.

So you see, when wide-open windows revealed their festiveness then the frenzy cleaning games began. And that, my friends, is my 'new' cleaning philosophy for fall and spring time. I think I killed three birds with one stone, rrrrr' bug bomb. Halloween decorating, fall cleaning and exterminating with all the energy efficiency one could ask for.


Jackie said...

We've used the same "philosophy" for too long! It's time to go for further action....storm windows removed, cleaning, scraping, priming, painting!! We're working on a deal to get the whole house painted! Pray that we'll be able to swing it financially!!

Tammie said...

whew you are biting off a lot to chew~

Best of blessings...